• Question: Why do the American's tend to be taller than us British people?

    Asked by to Del, Catherine, John, Krishna, Mo Rassul on 17 Mar 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Krishna Mohan Surapaneni

      Krishna Mohan Surapaneni answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      Might due to better nutrition and access to health care

    • Photo: Adelle Thrower

      Adelle Thrower answered on 18 Mar 2014:

      thats true!! they are taller.
      I dont know for sure but i would assume Krishma has a point.
      lots of factors can affect height such as genetics, nutrition and even altitude. maybe americans have evolved to be tall as they all like basketball…. sorry i cant answer your question better- its a good one!!
