• Question: What is the most important experiment you have ever done ?

    Asked by to Del, Catherine, John, Krishna, Mo Rassul on 14 Mar 2014. This question was also asked by , , .
    • Photo: Catherine Mansfield

      Catherine Mansfield answered on 14 Mar 2014:

      I would say that it is the experiments that I’m working on now, taking damaged heart cells and trying to fix the mutations in their DNA so that they function normally. Hopefully we can use this to repair damaged cells in human hearts to cure heart disease.

    • Photo: Krishna Mohan Surapaneni

      Krishna Mohan Surapaneni answered on 18 Mar 2014:

      Finding out a non invasive biomarker for diagnosis of NASH (Non alcoholic steatohepatitis)

    • Photo: Krishna Mohan Surapaneni

      Krishna Mohan Surapaneni answered on 18 Mar 2014:

      Experiments to find-out the cause for NASH in liver tisues

    • Photo: Adelle Thrower

      Adelle Thrower answered on 18 Mar 2014:

      we worked out why an african tribe were dying of liver disease. we worked out that it was due to overload of copper.
      but nearby tribes all had the same water supply and copper poisioning usually happens via water.
      on researching the world health organsitation discovered it was due to their bee colony getting pollen from high copper flowers. the tribes main diet was honey so they were getting it that way and thats why other tribes wernt….
