• Question: if you werent a scientist whatwould you be?

    Asked by shelbymarshx to John, Del, Catherine, Krishna, Mo Rassul on 12 Mar 2014. This question was also asked by zoologistr2d2no1, flossboss88, hanakarim, renesmee, , proffessoratom0901.
    • Photo: John Foster

      John Foster answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      This is a difficult one as I always wanted to be a scientist when I was younger. But I like finding things out and writing about them, so I think I might have been a journalist or a travel writer. I find the processes that go into making beer fascinating (a lot of it is very of scientific), so I might have ended up working for a brewery!

    • Photo: Catherine Mansfield

      Catherine Mansfield answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      I have also always wanted to be scientist and I can’t really imagine myself doing anything else. If I had to choose then I would say a surgeon or a pilot.

    • Photo: Muhammed Rassul

      Muhammed Rassul answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      If I was to leave science right now I would become a chef, as it is both creative and allows experimentation. If I did not become a scientist at all I would probably be doing a job realed to art or music.

    • Photo: Adelle Thrower

      Adelle Thrower answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      If I was not a scientist I would probably be something like an accountant as I’ve always like numbers and been good at maths. Very boring so I’m glad I’m not one!!!
