• Question: how do you tell that someone is dead?

    Asked by to Del, Catherine, John, Krishna, Mo Rassul on 13 Mar 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: John Foster

      John Foster answered on 13 Mar 2014:

      This is quiet a difficult question and a lot of people don’t agree on this.

      You can test to see if a person is breathing first. If they are not breathing then their heart may have stopped, you can check for a pulse. If there is no pulse and the person’s heart hasn’t been working for only a short time you can try to restart the heart. People can often survive this and live.

      But if someone has not had blood pumping oxygen to the brain, the brain can die and the person is often said to be dead at this point. Machines in hospitals are used by doctors to see if a person’s brain is dead. However, a lot of the body’s organs can be kept alive by doctors without the brain functioning, but most would say that the person is no longer alive.

    • Photo: Adelle Thrower

      Adelle Thrower answered on 14 Mar 2014:

      If they have no heat beat and the heart can not be restarted then that usually means they will no longer be alive. It’s very useful to go on a first aid course as with the knowledge on how to help someone you may prevent a person one day from dying.
